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Kizz dee ft Goodbadboy

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FTLTea.com Website Renewals

Project for FTLTea.com Website Renewals

Managed Project


Child care management software

Manage classrooms, observe students, and stay in touch with families – all from one easy-to-use child care app. 

Managed Project


MMB Homecare Technical Consultancy

Comeriver Limited is to execute some updates on the MMB Homecare Website and App. We are also to recruit and train some sets of interns to serve as a technical team for the startup. The terms of co...

Managed Project


MMB Hosting Migration

Consolidating and Migrating MMB assets to Avalanche cPanel servers.

Managed Project


Can You Stay Alive???

  Can you stay alive in the next thirty years?? Will you be able to live or you'll prefer suicide from frustration? What can prompt that?? What do I mean?? Alright! Let me ...



MyMedicalBank EMR

MyMedicalBank EMR Software Project

Managed Project


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